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Install Your Own
Real-Time Sensor Network to Track Pest Pressure and Better Protect Your Crops

mobile and desktop app

CropVue Technologies' automated scouting solutions are designed to be easy for growers and ag professionals to install and operate. Select your device density and field placement, hang them up, power them on, and start getting detailed insights directly to your mobile device or PC.

codling moth smart trap

Say goodbye to guesswork,
let us help you identify pests using
Advanced AI.

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Integrated Pest Management

Automated Delta Trap

With automated trap monitoring, receive daily updates on pest counts by trap, field, or crop. The industry’s best AI pest recognition automatically delivers accurate results  and insights to inform your crop management plan.

Microclimate Weather

Do you rely on weather from a station that is too far away to measure actual conditions in the field?


Studies indicate that, on average, the canopy temperature can be 1.2°C lower for the minimum and 2°C higher for the daily maximum, compared to local weather stations.


Weather data from our In-Canopy devices shows the true conditions in your crops and helps provide degree day models that more accurately reflect plant growth and pest arrival.

In-Canopy weather data logger
CropVue App mobile view

Data and AI Analysis

CropVue Cloud services put your field data in your hands. Our AI models take this one step further, providing insights through quantification and prediction of upcoming field events. Moreover, the CropVue App offers customizable alerts to inform your team of pest thresholds, degree day accumulation, and device maintenance. Choose from notifications in the CropVue App dashboard or direct to your inbox.

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